

First Aid - How to help a Choking Pig

First Aid - How to help a Choking Pig

Apr 24th 2024

You've heard of the Heimlich... but did you know, there is a way you can assist your pig if they're choking, too?Here are a couple of great videos on how to help your pig if they're choking but still … read more
Considering owning a pig?

Considering owning a pig?

Jan 17th 2024

If you’re considering adding a pet pig to your home or farm, there are some important things to know and consider!-Did you know, some cities and towns do not allow pigs in their limits? It is impor … read more
Potty Training a Pig

Potty Training a Pig

Feb 28th 2012

In cold or rainy weather indoor pigs may not want to go outside to potty. If you choose to use an indoor potty box, select one with low sides or cut down an entrance. Pigs don’t like to step up and ov … read more