

Fly Control on the Farm

Fly Control on the Farm

May 22nd 2024

Are you and your animals sick of those pesky flies in the warmer months? Your usual go-to sprays not working as well or hoping to find something that might work better? Here are some various tips an … read more
First Aid - How to help a Choking Pig

First Aid - How to help a Choking Pig

Apr 24th 2024

You've heard of the Heimlich... but did you know, there is a way you can assist your pig if they're choking, too?Here are a couple of great videos on how to help your pig if they're choking but still … read more
Early Spring?

Early Spring?

Feb 19th 2024

Punxsutawney Phil has made his prediction for an early spring - have your animals, too? Animals grow significant coats to help bolster their warmth for the cooler winter months. When their bo … read more
Considering owning a pig?

Considering owning a pig?

Jan 17th 2024

If you’re considering adding a pet pig to your home or farm, there are some important things to know and consider!-Did you know, some cities and towns do not allow pigs in their limits? It is impor … read more
Do you have your horses teeth floated?

Do you have your horses teeth floated?

Dec 5th 2023

Did you know, horses need routine dental care just like humans do? Not the fancy cleaning that we receive in the dentist chair – but a “float” or a filing down of sharp edges about once a year, if n … read more